Camp 2011: Who Came?

Aaron Salmon – @aaronsalmon – Jovial lad & life enthusiast, UI Designer/Developer, Co-Founder of OhSoWe
Adrian Holovaty
Alex Bratton – @alexbratton – Lextech Global Services – serious mobile apps , Lextech Labs – Critical video, anytime, anywhere
Ali Pasha
Anders Conbere
Andrew Huff, editor & publisher of Gapers Block, content guy at Weightshift
Andrew Mason Groupon
Andrew Rench
Ari Gesher – Senior Software Engineer & Blogger at Palantir Technologies
Arun Sivashankaran – Co-Founder at OhSoWe@arun_76
Atkins Meyer – Engineering Director at Threadless. Console hacker and Android nerd.
Aza Raskin Humanized, Mozilla, now Massive Health
Barry Rodgers – Principal, North Side College Prep High School
Ben Collins-Sussman – Google Chicago; open source software, photography, musical theater composition, amateur radio, piano, banjo, interactive fiction
Ben Huh
Benjamin T Stanley – Research and Development Chef | Basic American Foods | food genius | food innovation | taste consulting | fermentation |@chefbtstanley
Bill Guschwan
Bill Hammack – creates short videos on engineering (sample video, or most recent series.) To identify at conference use this tip/comment from a Reddit reader about my appearance: “Mark Hamill has really let himself go.” [drop24 on Reddit ] University of Illinois
Blagica (blah-gee-tsa) Bottigliero – Social Media Director, Motorola Mobility. Rockin’ mom to Lily.
Bob Lee
Borja Sotomayor – Scientific Writer + CS Lecturer, University of Chicago. Community Manager, OpenNebula.
Brad Fitzpatrick
Brandy Agerbeck | graphic facilitatorartistdrawing enthusiast | tweetstumblesflickersvideos
Brett Elemendorf
Brett Goldstein – Director, Predictive Analytics – Chicago Police Department
Brett Slatkin
Brian Aker – Data Differential, rock climber, data design, DrizzleMonorails
Brian Duncan
Brian Fitzpatrick – Google, Chicago, IL. Data Liberation and Transparency Engineering
Brynn Evans
Charles Slutzky
Chloe Johnston
Chris Gansen
Chris Messina
Christen Carter – Owner at Busy Beaver Button Co. and co-curator of the world’s only Button Museum!
Christie Hefner – Former Chairman & CEO, Playboy Enterprises, Inc.
Christine McClure – librarian, photographer, data geek
Chuck Templeton – Co-Founder, Founder, Eco Alarmist, Student of Leadership and Entrepreneurship. @CTemp “suck it”
Cole Pierce – Artist, Music Blogger at Field MicVideographer and Educator at Chicago Teachers’ Center of NEIU
Conrad Jahrling
Craighton Berman – Industrial Designer & Creative Director, Chicago, Ill. Scott VanDenPlas’ Jack.
Dan Berlin – Google DC. Public Sector Engineering and Open source lawyer.
Dan O’Neil – EveryBlockCityPaymentsDemolition Hold List & CTA Alerts.
Dan Ratner
Dan Roth
Dan Sinker
Dan Woods
Daniel Sauter – UIC New Media ArtsProcessing.Android
Dan Yocum – incredibly boring and nondescript gov’t title – Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.  Mild mannered grid & cloud computing physics guy by day…
Dave Baum
Dave Beazley
Dave Dribin – @ddribin – Apple, Chicago, IL; retro-games, emulation, chiptune, electronics hacking, Arduino
Dave Goodman
David Anderson – Google. Student pilot, electronics hacking, emulation, reinventing rounder wheels
David Chelimsky – DRW Trading. Lead maintainer of RSpec. Author: The RSpec Book
David Falck – Peaksmart, CumulateLabs, memorizing old Scottish poems 😉
David Schalliol – managing editor at Gapers Block, visiting assistant professor at IIT, photographer
Dean Kamen – FIRST – DEKA Research, Manchester, NH
Dennis McClendon
Dirk Elmendorf
Don Sritong
Doug Bradbury Software Craftsman at 8th Light, Inc Founder of Walk ‘n Code
Doug van der Molen
Dug Song – Co-founder Duo SecurityArbor NetworksTech Brewerya2geeksa2newtecha2skateparkOpenSSH, etc.  #startups #security #skateboarding
Dylan Richard
Ed Zotti
Eric Lunt – CTO, BrightTag … former CTO & co-founder of FeedBurner
Eric Peyton
Eszter Hargittai – research on online participation, information seeking (prof @Northwestern)
Evan Miller
Francesca Slade
Gabi Fitz
Gabriel Burt
Gordon Kummel
Gwendolyn Graff
Harper Reed
Ian Bicking (or maybe more relevantly), Mozilla Labs, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Ioan Raicu – Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology — expertise in distributed systems, grids, clouds, and supercomputers
Jacob Lee – Google New York – @arthurdenture
Jacob Matthews
Jake Trussell – Creative Director @ World Business Chicago – Music Producer/DJ/Remixer @
Jason Gessner – Google Chicago – Tech Lead/Manager Display Advertising – maker, artist, dad, Milwaukeean, comic book nerd, abrasive music aficionado.
Jason Huggins @hugs
Jason Kunesh, founder Fuzzy Math user experience studio in Chicago. @jdkunesh or Chicagoan, geek, I know what Jeff Solin’s lip tattoo says.
Jason Tillery
Jeff Solin – Owner @ Solin Systems Consulting, CS Teacher / curriculum enthusiast @ Northside College Prep, Co-founder Chicago chapter of CSTA, musician @ home, motorcycle rebuilder @ garage
Jeff Veen
Jen Masengarb – Senior Mgr of Educational Research @ Chicago Architecture Foundation; developing national digital architecture curriculum for HS students. K-12 design educator, writer of Chicago haikus.
Jessica Thebus
Jim Coudal
Joe Born Chicago Electronics Entrepreneur, Founder NeurosDigital Innovations @JoeBorn
Joe Kottke
John Bracken
John Tolva
Jon Trowbridge – Google Chicago
Jonathan Lewin
Joseph Baldwin – artist, & founder of noisivelvet, and heading up the mobile garden project
Joshua Fritz
Juliana Rotich
Julie Shapiro – Artistic Director, Third Coast International Audio Festival (story + sound) /  gallopinging
Justin Massa – metro chicago info center | food genius | gov data | maps | equity | boxing – @justinmassa
Justine Nagan – Executive Director, Kartemquin Films– Executive Producer, The Interrupters, Director/Producer, Typeface
Karen Wickre
Karl Fogel — open source, civic software, radical copyright reform
Kate McGroarty – Recent winner and resident of Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry’s “Month at the Museum” contest. Chicago based theatre artist, educator and novice improv guitarist.
Katherine McCarthy
Ken Pelletier
Kurt Preston
Larry Adams – VP of product @ narrative science, youth soccer coach, go Steelers! (sorry Dean)
Leon Chism
Lindsay Gaskins
Lori Park
Mark Achler – SVP of Video Game Group at Redbox – introduction manager for the Apple //c.
Marc Hannah
Marcin Wichary – user experience designer at Google, HTML5 advocate, Pac-Man enthusiast :·), photographer
Mark Hayward – Juggler, Yo-yer, Self-Proclaimed Cool Guy.  Sculptor and maker of things.  As seen on Letterman.
Mark Spencer
Matt Gornick – Software Engineer at Inventables, CEO at OrangeQC, Co-Founder at | Blog | @mgornick
Matt Hancock
Matt Hansen – Google Chicago
Matt Maloney
Matt Shobe
Michael Slaby
Michael Tolva
Michael Wielgat
Mike Hakimi – – Amateur blacksmith and heavy metal guitarist.  Builder of telecom and tech companies in my spare time.
Mike Hettwer
Moshe Tamssot – Entrepreneur  – Founder, CookItFor.Us, Managing Partner, Innovation Center, Inc., Founder, Monks of Invention ,Intrapreneur – Founder, Kraft New Services, Inc., GE Capital, American Express
Nathan Ingersoll
Nell Taylor – Founder/Director, Chicago Underground Library
Zoe Piepmeier – Google Chicago; Data Liberator, game{r, developer}, generative media fiend.
Nick Rosa
Nicole Montanye
Noah Hurwitz – Founder Gravity Mobile , musician, car nut, vinyl toy maker and collector @hurwizle
Pallavi Kaushik
Patrick McCarthy – Inventor, Painter, Member of the circuit bent duo, Roth Mobot, Director of The Rubber Monkey Puppet Company, Instructor at the Experimental Sound Studio and the Old Town School of Folk Music, Host of the weekly Experimental Electronics eSymposium
Paul Smith, co-founder EveryBlock, programmer, map maker, Friends of Bloomingdale TrailElection Day Advent Calendar
Pek Pongpaet – ShelfLuvBizTome@pekpongpaet
Philip TadrosFounder & CEO of Doejo @philcoextra
Ravi Singh – Mobile Researcher, interested in all things Mobile on any platform from Blackberry , Android, iOS to Beagle Boards and modified Arduino’s. If we can tweak it , I am interested , if we can’t let’s find a way in.
Richard Yoo – Founder and former CEO of both Rackspace and ServerBeach – – @richardyoo
Richie Vos
Rick Clark
Roshan Choxi – Developer at Groupon, Developer at | @choxi
Ross Kimbarovsky, co-Founder
Russell Gayle – Google Chicago
Sandor Weisz – (@santheo@pzlr). Designer, EveryBlock. Author, The Puzzler.
Sara Schnadt – artistcurator, co-founder of Chicago Artists Resource website, dev for Get Your Sh*t Together artists’ business software
Scott Brown
Scott Robbin – Web Developer, Weightshift. Music and movie enthusiast. Novice drummer.
Scott Robertson
Scott VanDenPlas – Philosopher. Futurist. Everyone’s pal. Craighton Berman’s Tyler Durden.
Shaun Cox
Shelly Mujtaba – Co-founder Peaksmart, CumulateLabs
Stel Valavanis
Steve Brown – Trick Creator at 365 YoYo Tricks, curator at Steve Brown Gallery, Marketing Director at Bigshot Toyworks, National Yo-Yo Master
Steve Delahoyde
Sue Khim
Suneel Gupta – Founder@KahaniMovement; ProductGuy@Groupon
Tasos Karahalios
Ted Homatas
Theo Gray
Tom Berend – Lead Innovator – Nike Global Footwear – Innovation Kitchen – –
Tommy Stephenson – Inventor, Experimental Musician, Member of the circuit bent duo Roth Mobot
Victoria Groom
Will Leinweber

Brynn Evans
Will Robinson – Google Chicago
Zach Kaplan – Inventables, Chicago, IL – We’re an online hardware store for innovators catch me at @zkaplan or our company @inventables
Zach Smith