Camp 2012: Who Came?
Aaron Salmon – UX Engineer @ Obama for America / Interaction Designer, community gardener, nuevodad and jovial lad. /@aaronsalmon
Aaron Swartz
Adrian Holovaty – EveryBlock, Django, YouTube guitar videos. Spy.
Ajay Goel
Ali Pasha
Amanda Sari Perez – Neural interface researcher, Syncytium organizer (Burning Man camp), All Hands Active co-founder (Ann Arbor community hackerspace), MiND Ensemble member (Music in Neural Dimensions), propane tank drum maker, artist of the non-professional variety, person.
Ameya Pawar
Anders Conbere – Dude, Obama For America
Andrea Saenz
Andrew Graham
Andrew Huff – editor of Gapers Block, writer, fan of scotch, @me3dia
Anne Petersen – President of Pumping Station: One, webbie for UIC, photographer, maker, writer, speaker, geek, Chicagoan. Half-Danish and can speak Danish (rustily).
Andrew Mason – Founder and CEO of Groupon
Ari Gesher
Atkins Meyer
Augie Fackler
Aza Raskin
Barry Rogers
Bart Dring – Founder, an open source hardware web zone — Makerslide! — Sponsor of projects via the MakerShip program. Send’s messages to outer space.
Ben Berkowitz – CoFounder at, Occasional tree planter, t-shirt maker, citizen, villager, werewolf.
Ben Collins-Sussman – cofounder of Subversion, Google Code, Google Chicago office; interactive fiction author, photographer, musical theater composer, banjo player, radio ham, gamer, dad.
Ben Huh
Benjamin T Stanley – Research and Development Chef/Innovation at Basic American Foods | Co-Founder of Food Genius | Lover of anything with gears or food | Tinkerer | Fermentation
Bill Hammack
Blagica Bottigliero – Part of the original Orbitz crew. Director of Global Social Media for Motorola, Founder of Gals’ Guide,Startup/tech evangelist, Wife, Mom. Fan of understanding migration patterns to cities. MC Hammer fan. A Chicagoan by way of the Motor City and a wee small country called Macedonia. @Blagica
Bob Lee
Borja Sotomayor – Researcher at the University of Chicago’s Computation Institute, Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science. Enabler of student geeks. +Borja Sotomayor
Brady Forrest
Brandy Agerbeck | graphic facilitator, artist, drawing enthusiast | tweets, tumbles, flickrs, videos | If you enjoyed my session around drawing last year, you can find the Draw Quad in my Brandyfesto.
Brett Elmendorf
Brett Goldstein
Brett Slatkin – App Engine, PubSubHubbub, Camlistore, Intrapreneur
Brian Aker
Brian Fitzpatrick – Head of The Data Liberation Front and Transparency Engineering at Google Chicago. Opener of Source. Co-Founder of ORD Camp and resident Chicagophile. I’m on Google+ and @therealfitz on Twitter. Not a werewolf.
Bryan Wilcox – Co-Founder of The Product Manufactory. Working to bridge the gap between design and engineering. Open source enthusiast. Controller of machines.
Cathy Chouinard-Hasmonek – Owner/Photographer at Chouinard Photography, Artist, Lover of music and architecture. On twitter @chouinardphoto. Enjoy building Ikea furniture.
Charles Adler
Charlie Catlett – Senior Computer Scientist at Argonne Nat’l Lab, Senior Fellow at UChicago Computation Institute, Visiting Artist at School of the Art Inst. of Chicago. After 25 years in high-performance computing & internet R&D (big, fast, monsters) trying my hand at pervasive, mobile, social computing (small, aware, personal). @cec, +cecatlett
Chloe Johnston
Chris McAvoy – Chicago Awesome Foundation Trustee, dabbler.
Christen Carter – Owner of Busy Beaver Button Co. and co-curator of the Button Museum.
Christie George
Christie Hefner
Christine Gutierrez – Babbaco
Christine McClure: Librarian (at IIT on Chicago’s south side). Web Developer. Photographer. Geek.
Clay Johnson
Cliff Schmidt – Founder of Literacy Bridge – using embedded audio technology to make knowledge available to impoverished people who are not literate. Formerly active open source guy, primarily with the Apache Software Foundation.
Cole Pierce Artist, Videographer at the Chicago Teachers’ Center of NEIU, contributor to Field Mic, DJ forNUMBERS.FM, mixtape connoisseur
Craighton Berman – Craighton Berman Design, gravitytank, fueledbycoffee, @fueledbycoffee, 3rd time at ORD camp.
Dale Reed – Lecturer in Computer Science Department at UIC, CS evangelist at Chicago area high schools, Catalyst for Chicago area CS teacher training CS4HS, like to fix/build things myself
Damon Kohler – Googler, tinkerer, and creator of SL4A and rosjava. I’m on Google+ and at
Dan Meyer
Daniel X. O’Neil – Smart Chicago Collaborative. I take pictures of stuff. Civic innovation &etc. @juggernautco
Dan Ratner
Dan Schultz
Dan Sinker – Heading up the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership. Part-time troublemaker. @dansinker
Dan Siroker
Dan Yocum
Daniel Sauter
Dave Beazley
Dave Dribin – Daytime hacker at Apple, father of 16 month old twins. In copious free time (ha!): AVR/Arduino, retro gamer, chiptune, foodie. @ddribin
David Anderson – Electronics dweeb, hater of NATs, small time Go hacker, occasional pilot, Google+ user, California weather weenie, Google cluster tinkerer.
David Chelimsky
David Falck – architect at Model Metrics/, entrepreneur, Peaksmart co-founder
David Recordon
David Schalliol – Sociologist, photographer, managing editor of Gapers Block. @metroblossom
Dean Putney
Dennis McClendon Urbanist, constitutional law scholar, transportation geek, Chicago history buff, and mapmaker at Chicago CartoGraphics
Dennis Roberson
Devorah Heitner Teacher, scholar, media geek, kids’ media consultant
Dirk Elmendorf
Don Schwarz
Doug Bradbury – Software Craftsman at 8th Light, Make Magazine contributor, RC enthusiast, treadmill desk champion
Doug van der Molen
Dug Song – co-founder Duo Security, Ann Arbor New Tech Meetup, startup co-op Tech Brewery, Ann Arbor geek, Ann Arbor Skatepark, OpenSSH, etc.
Duncan Davidson
Dylan Richard
Ed Zotti
Edward Ford – family man, tinkerer of lots, master of none, desktop cnc machines, identifying ninjas, trying to be different just like everyone else. @shapeoko
Eleanore Brophy (Eckstrom) – Cream cheese food scientist at Kraft Foods, Master’s thesis on creme fraiche, member of I Heart Crafting
Emily Short – interactive fiction author, consultant in interactive narrative for games and ebooks. @emshort
Eric Lunt – CTO: BrightTag, Co-founder & CTO: FeedBurner, Co-founder & CTO: Happy to be back!
Eric Peyton
Eric Wolff
Erin Kissane
Eszter Hargittai – studying people’s Web-use skills, thinking about how to improve people’s Web-use skills, geocaching,photography
Evan Miller
Francesca Slade
Gabriel Burt – software developer at Obama for America, @gabaug
George Aye – Founder/Design Director at Greater Good Studio, Assistant Professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, teaching in the Dept. of Architecture, Interior Architecture and Designed Objects. @georgeaye
Gillian Rode – Canadian, former Props Project Manager @ Cirque du Soleil , @gillianrode
Gina Trapani
Greg Kick
Gwendolyn Graff – Scientist Geek @ Wrigley – Pasttimes: Bubblegum creation, general crafty things, and wrangling horses – 4th year at ORD Camp
Harper Reed
H.B. Siegel – CTO @ IMDb 3D, movies, graphics, games, glimpses of sunlight. Seattle WA
Henry Liu
Ian Bicking
J. Stanton — Author of The Gnoll Credo. Paleonutrition researcher: articles at
Jacob Matthews
Jacqueline Edelberg – Dir. of Str. Partnerships for, Huffington Post blogger, author of How to Walk to School: Blueprint for a Neighborhood School Renaissance.
Jake Shapiro
Jake Trussell – Creative Director @ World Business Chicago | Producer & DJ of experimental party music | Photo-grapher | Cyclist | Eater & Drinker
James Evans — Sociologist and computational scientist interested in designing robot reasoners/researchers; enjoy Lake Michigan (swimming/sailing) with kids
James Goggin — Director of Design, Publishing, and New Media at MCA Chicago. Founder of Practise. Lecturer at Werkplaats Typografie, Ecal, etc. Birthplace: Unknown. @practise
James Megquier — Software Engineer at Google Chicago. Distributed systems, electronics hackery.
Jason Gessner – Vice-President Milwaukee Makerspace, Ads Engineer at Google Chicago, raiser of Geek Girls, FIRST Lego League Coach and fan of abrasive music of all kinds. @plural
Jason Huggins – Cofounder, CTO: Sauce Labs. Creator: Selenium web testing tool. Creator: a robot that plays Angry Birds on an iPhone. Home: Oak Park, IL
Jason Kunesh – Roustabout of User Experience at Obama For America. Storyteller, nice guy, guitar dude. @jdkunesh
Jason Rexilius
Jason Seats – Mediocre at enough things to be interesting. Cofounder of Slicehost. Managing Director of TechStars Cloud.
Javaun Moradi – product manager / experimenter at NPR. Husband, father, mountain biker. Native Chicagoan living in DC.Rock solid alibi. @javaun
Jeff Solin – Owner @ Solin Systems Consulting, CS Teacher / curriculum enthusiast / FIRST FTC coach @ Northside College Prep, Co-founder @ Chicago CSTA, musician / father / husband @ home, motorcycle rebuilder @ garage
Jeff Talbot
Jeff Ubois, MacArthur Foundation / after-hours archivist /,
Jennifer Farrington
Jen Masengarb – Architecture & design educator. Digital teen learning projects. Urban & architectural history. Writer of haikusas Chicago love letters.
Jesse Kriss – Visualization Engineer: Obama for America, previously General Hackery at Figure 53 and lead developer of Many Eyes at IBM Research.
Jesse Seay – sound & kinetic artist, professor of Audio Arts and Acoustics, Columbia College. (Red Rubber Bands kinetic sculpture and Women -n- Technology session)
Jessie Chavez – Software Engineer + Education Outreach at Google Chicago. Prevoiusly at FeedBurner, Centrifusion. Former Teacher. Techie/host/dev for many social justice projects from Chicago to Latin America. Human Rights observer in Honduras.
Jim Blandy
Jim Kimball – curious, technical, and exploratory guy by night… Sr. Technical Leader, Enabling Innovation @ S.C.Johnson & Son by day
JJ Lueck
Joe Born – Consumer Electronics Entrepreneur/Hacker, Neuros Technology, Digital Innovations and most recently Sonr Labs
Joe Germuska – News App developer @ Chicago Tribune • Founder, OpenGovChicago • Host, “Conference of the Birds”, WNUR-FM • @JoeGermuska
Joe Kottke
John S. Bracken – Work @knightfdn in Miami, live Chicago. I help people do stuff, on the internet, mostly, and I fly a lot. @jsb.
John Bronsteen
John Tolva – Cities, humanities, technologies. Also, rocket ships.
Jon Udell
Jordan Bunker
Jordan Ho
Josh Hale
Julie Shapiro – Third Coast International Audio Festival, occasional muser-about-music: gallopinging, @jatomic
Justin Massa – founder & CEO at Food Genius, public data wonk, dad, @justinmassa
Justine Nagan – Executive Director of Kartemquin Films, director of Typeface, co-founder of I Heart Crafting, and soon to be mama
Kara Oehler
Karl Fogel – Question Copyright; Civic Commons; Producing Open Source Software; @kfogel; search://kfogel/; technoskeptic (but in a good way); musician
Kate McGroarty
Kathleen McCarthy
Kumar McMillan – Web Developer at Mozilla; DJ and Tech Director at CHIRP Radio
Kurt Preston
Kurt Spoerer – Online ad guy, lover of photography (still early in my voyage), avid athlete and father of two.
Larry Adams
Leo Dirac – Snowed in with much of the Seattle crew. Might be able to get a flight out but looking unlikely. 🙁
Leon Chism
Lesa Mitchell
Lisa Caplan
Marc Hannah
Marcin Wichary – @mwichary, Google Chrome/Doodles, designer, programmer, occasional speaker and writer, computer historian, photographer. Misquotes movies for a living.
Mark Hayward – Juggler, Yo-yoer, Self-Proclaimed Cool Guy. Maker of things. Recent convert to wood turning. Model A Ford enthusiast.
Mars Saxman
Matt Braithwaite – Tech Lead for Google’s Transparency Report. Otherwise fairly private.
Matt Gornick
Matt Hansen – Software Engineer at Google Chicago, tech gadget enthusiast.
Matt Hellige
Matt Shobe – Ex-Googler, Co-Founder of FeedBurner with Eric Lunt (above); Chief Design Officer, BigDoor; TechStars Seattlementor; despite my zipcode, a shameless Chicago booster.
Megan Stielstra – Literary Director at 2nd Story. I write, teach writers, & teach teachers. @meganstielstra
Mercedes Mane
Mert Iseri
Michael Ga
Mike Loukides O’Reilly Media: data, programming, future of publishing, books & book ideas, math, music. Pianist, but can’t bring piano; will bring recorders if there’s enough room.
Mike Sussman – Professional Astronomer, Planetary Climate Modeler, Electronica Producer
Mike Tyka @mtyka works @ University of Washington on protein folding. Co-founder of ALTS Makerspace and co-founder orGrooveLabs, designed and built a 28ft playable Rubiks cube. Makes metal sculptures and explores the hidden beauty in molecules.
Moshe Tamssot – @Tamssot – Founder & CEO, CookItFor.Us | Founder, Monks of Invention | Founder, The Innovation Center, Inc. | Executive Producer of the 3D Multi-Sensory Immersive “Art & Science of Smoking Pigs” BBQ Experience, not in IMAX
Neal Patel
Nell Taylor – Founder, Executive Director at Read/Write Library Chicago (formerly Chicago Underground Library). Printers’ Ball-er. MLIS, School of Hard Knocks. @nelltaylor
Zoe Piepmeier – Data Liberator, generative media geek, ex-game-developer, tinkerer, and lover of delicious things. OnGoogle+ and @pieps on Twitter.
Nick Rosa
Nicole Montanye
Nina Nashif
Noah Friedman
Noah Gift
Noah Hurwitz
Noah Iliinsky – @noahi Freelance data visualization consultant, writer, and speaker. Author of Designing Data Visualizations. I live in Seattle and occasionally blog at
Pallavi Kaushik – Principal Research Engineer at Motorola Solutions. MIT Media Lab alum. Travel Addict. Puzzle Solver.
Pamela Fox – @pamelafox, – coder, cooker, arts&crafts-er, occasional contortionist. Founder of EatDifferent, formerly on Google Developer Relations (Maps/Wave).
Patrick McCarthy – Inventor, Instructor, Armchair Physicist, Puppeteer, Multimedia Designer/Programmer, Painter,Sculptor, Musician, Circuit Bender, 1/2 of Roth Mobot
Peter Nepstad
Rabiah Mayas
Ravi Singh Mobile Researcher and Developer for iOS , Android, RIM , Windows Phone 7 and interested in all things related to embedded devices
Richie Vos Developer at Groupon. Interested in anything web, electronics, and most things aquatic
Rick Klau – Partner at Google Ventures, former Google Product Manager (Blogger, Google+, YouTube), FeedBurner OG. Me on: Google+ Twitter Blog
Riley Scott
Robert Kaye – @mayhem Troublemaker, hacker, artist, drinkbot creator, burner, founder of MusicBrainz. I’ll bring my Tequila Sunrise Bot, so YOU can hack it.
Roger Magoulas
Russ Lankenau – Founder and President, Workshop 88. President, Lunar Giant Studios. First time at ORD Camp, looking forward to it.
Ryan Germick – creative lead of the Google Doodle team
Ryan Kanno
Ryan Singer – UI and Product Manager at 37signals, @rjs on Twitter, writes about software product design at
Sacha De’Angeli
Sandor Weisz – Designer at EveryBlock. Puzzler at PZLR.
Sara Aye – Founder / Research Director at Greater Good Studio, teacher at SAIC, Northwestern, ID and Lake Forest College.Was proposed to in a really cool way.
Sara Winge
Scott Brown
Scott Robbin – coding with Weightshfit, founder of MinuteFrame, shows up on first page when searching for ‘Weird Al videos.’
Scott Robertson
Scott VanDenPlas – Philosopher, Futurist, Everyone’s Pal. I build robots for Obama as DevOps Lead. Part time dinner organizer.
Shelly Mujtaba
Stel Valavanis – founder onShore Networks, Creative Coworking, tech art, embedded systems, tvdrug, ECTV, now also with the ACLU-IL!
Steve Brown –, Marketing & Production Manager at Shinbone Creative, co-founder of Triple Crown of YoYo, Moustache Collector
Steve Delahoyde – filmmaker at Coudal
Sue Khim
Suneel Gupta
Sunni Brown
Ted Han – lead developer for DocumentCloud, employed by Investigative Reporters & Editors, linguist by degree, programmer by trade, and scifi & web comics nerd by leisure. @knowtheory
Ted Homatas
Tim Saylor – DIY product entrepreneur, director of Pumping Station: One, co-organizer of BARcamp Chicago, software consultant for PSC Group. First time at ORD camp.
Tommy Stephenson – Inventor, Musician, 1/2 of the circuit bent duo Roth Mobot
Tony Dreyfuss
Troy Henikoff – Co-founder and CEO of Excelerate Labs – loves bikes, startups and technology
Will Robinson – Engineering site lead, Google Chicago. Manager of the Google Web Server team in Chicago. “That tall guy.” Second time at ORD camp!
Yuri Frank Maxwell Malina
Zach Kaplan – CEO Inventables
Zach Nixon
Zach Hines – CEO Buildatron Systems – 3D Printing